Our Partners

We have listed below businesses in Ireland who we have experience of working with across the various areas of vehicle conversion, many of whom have undergone relevant training with us.

We operate regular training days for those who wish to become registered installers for a range of systems which we supply across many industries.

If you have a business in Ireland in a relevant industry and would like to become a registered installer, please contact us to find out about upcoming training events.

Display partner's details by clicking on the icons on the map.

Due to staff illness, we are currently unable to dispatch orders on the same day.

With limited staff on site, you may experience some delays when contacting us by phone or email.

We hope to resume normal service as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience.

Due to staff illness, we are currently unable to dispatch orders on the same day.

With limited staff on site, you may experience some delays when contacting us by phone or email.

We hope to resume normal service as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience.

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